Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Cross Border Shoppers FYI
  • Local Shoppers FYI

What is the seven digit # in the address?

The 7 digit number in your account is called your Kinek#. It’s included in Address Line 1 and is required on all shipments. This number is used to notify you of delivery and also tells our KinekPoints that this package is for a Kinek member (you).

If the Kinek# does not fit on Address Line 1 it must be included somewhere in the shipping address.

Can a friend or family member pick-up my package?

A friend or family member can pick up your package(s) on your behalf by providing them with a copy (electronic version is fine) of your photo ID (government issued) and the receipt for the item purchased. However, you MUST only ship in the account holder’s name and Kinek# no matter who is picking it up.

How much does it cost to use the Kinek service?

Each KinekPoint has a per package fee based on weight shown in their profile. There are no monthly or sign up fees to use Kinek. You can easily search a KinekPoint on the Find a KinekPoint tab and select a KinekPoint from the map. Once selected, a pop up window will show you the KinekPoint’s lowest rate. You can also sign up for free to view the KinekPoint(s) rates by weight.

How long do I have to pick-up my package?

Please visit your KinekPoint’s profile to view their storage capabilities. If a timeline for picking up your packages is not given, our standard 30 day policy applies. Your KinekPoint’s profile information overrides our 30 day standard. In some circumstances, extended storage can be arranged for an additional fee. To view a KinekPoint’s profile, login to your Kinek account and navigate to “View Hours & Pricing”.

If packages are left past 90 days they are officially deemed abandoned and may be disposed of.

Can Kinek forward my package to my home in Canada?

Please contact Kinek customer support directly about forwarding to Canada – call 1-866-451-5565 or send an email to [email protected].

Where can I find hours of operation for my KinekPoint?

Hours for your KinekPoint are posted in your Kinek account under “View Hours & Pricing”.

What do I need to bring with me to pick up my package?

You need to bring your Kinek#, two photocopies of your ID (one being a copy of your photo ID (government issued), along with a copy of the receipt or invoice from the retailer. (Electronic copies are accepted). In rare instances where identifying the package is an issue, they may be asked to present the 2nd piece of ID.

Is there more information in my web account than the mobile app?

Yes, your web account found in the browser at has a wealth of information for you. We highly recommend logging into your web account and navigating to “view hours and pricing” to see all the information regarding your KinekPoint. Your mobile app has a small portion of this information and is there for quick access to your KinekPoint address.

How long do I have to wait before my account is set up?

There is no waiting period after you sign up for an account. You can begin shipping to your new Kinek address immediately after you select a KinekPoint. Check your inbox for a welcome email and login to your Kinek account for your shipping address. IMPORTANT: your Kinek# must be in the Kinek address you ship to.

Can I ship to different KinekPoints?

One of the many benefits of Kinek is that you can send packages to a KinekPoint of your choice. It might be easier to send packages to a KinekPoint near your work or along your daily commute. Or perhaps you are travelling and would like your packages sent to a KinekPoint close to your relatives, hotel, or RV campground as you travel from city to city.

Do KinekPoints accept COD (Cash on delivery) packages?

Currently, KinekPoints do not accept COD packages.

How do I know when my package is delivered?

When your package arrives at your KinekPoint, you will receive an email and an optional text message and push notification to your phone if your name and Kinek number are in the shipping address.

Can Kinek receive regular mail?

KinekPoints currently do not receive regular letter mail including bills or any documents sent via Canada Post or USPS. If you’re not sure if your item is regular letter mail or a package, please contact Kinek before sending your item.

Can I ship to multiple KinekPoints?

Yes, you can add multiple KinekPoints to your account by logging in and navigating to “Add Another KinekPoint”.

What about duties and taxes?

Kinek does not collect duties and taxes on packages received at our border KinekPoints. It is the responsibility of the customer to claim their items when crossing the border and pay the appropriate fees. All products, including tobacco, face duties and taxes if you have been out of the country for less than 24-hours. For more information about duties and taxes on items you bring across the border, please contact Border Information Services at 1 (800) 461-9999 toll-free or visit them at

What fees will I need to pay when crossing the border?

When crossing back into Canada, keep in mind that there are fees you may have to pay. Usually you will have to pay the tax of the province you are crossing back into (e.g., Ontario is 13%). You may also be required to pay duty on your items depending on what they are and where they were manufactured. By shipping to a border KinekPoint, you may avoid international shipping and brokerage fees, which are typically much greater than taxes and duties.

What do I need in order to cross into the United States?

In order to pick up your packages, you will need to cross the border. It is required that you have a passport (or a Nexus pass at Nexus enabled crossings).

What should I have with me when crossing back into Canada?

You should ensure that you have the order confirmation from the retailer (that shows the value of the item) with you when bringing your purchases back into Canada. You will need the order confirmation to determine the fees owed, if any, at Border Services.

To get a glimpse of Kinek’s border locations along the U.S./Canadian border please visit our ship to the border page.

What is the difference between a Local KinekPoint and a U.S. Border KinekPoint?

A Local KinekPoint is a business close to your home, work, or everyday commute. These locations are for purchases within the country you live in and want shipped somewhere that is close due to not being at home at the time of delivery.

A U.S. Border KinekPoint is used for Canadians who are purchasing items outside of their country and need a location to ship their goods to. Often times, U.S. retailers will only ship within the U.S. or it may simply be cheaper to ship to a border KinekPoint and drive down to pick up packages.

Why would I use a Local KinekPoint?

A Local KinekPoint makes it convenient to receive your packages. Whether you’re living in an apartment, gated community, military base, travelling, or even a business that needs parts shipped to service personnel, Kinek provides a safe place to store your packages for a small fee.

Are you ready to start saving by using Kinek?

Sign up for your free account!

It takes just a few minutes to create an account to get your Kinek# and new KinekPoint shipping address.